After initially writing about Kevin "the Geek" Kerwin's "March 4 Trump" rally he has planned for March 4 in Lake Oswego, I've since learned that there is a counter-protest planned for that same day and location. However, alert readers have also pointed me toward Kerwin's grotesque social media presence. Spouting conservative opinions online—or with signs plastered to his Lake Oswego computer repair shop—is certainly his right as an American, just as it's our right to roll our eyes at his dumb point of view, correct his ignorance, or simply never step foot in his business. Unfortunately, he doesn't stop with mere insults. Here are a few of his choice posts from Twitter and Facebook.

UPDATE: The post above has been removed from Facebook, possibly deleted by Kerwin. Unluckily for him, I saved screenshots of all of these. Here's the removed post:


Original post continued:

Also this is one "geek" who really seems to despise women...

It gets worse after the jump.

And if you're interested, the Yelp reviews for his Lake Oswego computer store aren't very positive either.