
Here's an I, Anonymous that begins with a common complaint, and then wildly veers into the oncoming lane with something completely different... but still related? YOU BE THE JUDGE.

Why would you drop your dog shit bag in my yard debris/compost bin? Now i have to fish it out of years old, aged compost juice and dispose of it myself. You are human garbage. Your dog belongs to a sentient piece of trash that pretends it is courteous enough pick up its shit, but immediately makes that shit someone else's problem to clean up and take care of properly.

Someone should invent human sized baggies for society to scoop you up in, tie the top closed, and slam dunk you into a bin full of other pieces of shit.

And fuck Donald Trump too. I feel like this is the sort of thing he is wholly capable of doing and then triumphantly tweeting about. He probably pisses all over the toilet seat too, forgets his moms birthday, and leaves a half a sip of milk left in the bottom of the empty gallon and puts it back in the fridge.

And trust me when I say it gets WAAAAAY MORE DESCRIPTIVE from there. Read the rest here, and if you have a rant or confession to get off your chest, drop it in the I, Anonymous Blog. (Not the compost bin.)