If you or anyone you know has aborted this mans fetus, please, for the sake of the world, come forth.
If you or anyone you know has aborted this man's fetus, please, for the sake of the world, come forth. Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Fresh on the heels of rescinding Obama-era protections for Planned Parenthood and paving the way to allow medical providers to refuse to perform procedures like abortion for religious reasons, pornography fan and United States President Donald Trump became the first sitting leader of the U.S. to address the 45th annual March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. on Friday, at which people who love fetal tissue get together and take a walk.

Introducing the president, Vice President Mike Pence called Trump "the most pro-life president in American history," which seems especially ironic considering Trump was pro-choice until about five minutes before announcing his run for office. Then again, if we know anything about Republicans, it's that they are pretty damn flexible when it comes to issues of morality—and considering that they now control every branch of the federal government, it seems to be a quality that has served them well.

Anyway, back at the rally, Trump began with the usual platitudes ("Every child is a precious gift from God," "Life is the greatest miracle of all," etc.) before quickly spouting some lies.

“As you all know, Roe vs. Wade has resulted in some of the most permissive abortion laws anywhere in the world,” Trump told the crowd. “For example, in the United States, it's one of only seven countries to allow elective late-term abortions, along with China, North Korea, and others. Right now in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother's womb in the ninth month. It is wrong. It has to change.”

But, according to Planned Parenthood, the overwhelming majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Only 1.4 percent of abortions occur after 21 weeks, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control, and that generally only happens to save the life of the mother. No one is getting abortions for shits and giggles, although I would imagine that any sensible person impregnated with Donald Trump's sperm (shudder) would do whatever it takes to get that toxic DNA out of their body, which may be why he thinks women are regularly going around ripping fetuses out of their wombs, as Trump claimed during in a campaign debate with Hillary Clinton.

The lies continued. “Americans are more and more pro-life, you see that all the time," the future ex-President told the crowd. In reality, as NPR pointed out, only 18 percent of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances and less than half of Americans (46 percent) consider themselves “pro-life"—numbers that haven't changed since the '90s. But, of course, Trump never let a little thing like facts stop him.

Soon after, Trump pivoted to his preferred subject: himself. Meanwhile, the Republican-controlled Congress allowed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program to expire last fall, and if they don't resolve their bullshit in-fighting and avert a government shutdown by midnight tonight, 9 million low-income American children could soon lose their health insurance.

So much for "sanctity of life."