I recently wrote about a study that examined the consumption of cannabis and coffee—a study that the scientists probably could have performed just by hanging with me any day of the week. The DIY mood management that comes from a perfect pairing of bud and coffee bean is a ongoing experiment that has yet to disappoint.

Now I've found what is shaping up to be my new favorite tool in this quest: a coffee mug.

And a pipe.

But wait—the mug and the pipe are the same thing. I am talking of a pipe mug, which is a real thing now, and something that's been long overdue to get into my hands.

Josh Jardine

The pipe mug comes courtesy of Juliann Roush, the owner and artist behind Smoking Pottery, who until her recent move to Michigan was a longtime Portland resident.

Roush studied clay at City College San Francisco-Fort Mason in the 1990s, and described the painstaking process involved in what she calls a "labor of love." Each mug is thrown in five separate sections, assembled, and hand-painted with lead-free, food-safe glazes before being fired to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mine arrived in muted shades of greens, reds and blues, and both the capacity of the mug and the bowl are sizable yet restrained. This isn't a novelty piece that screams "Look what I'm for—weed, you guys!" You might not even notice the bowl at the base of the mug at first glance, or the opening to inhale, located at the top of the curve of the handle, which also has a carb.

Someone is going to read this while stoned, and picture the smoke traveling through the coffee, like some horrible nightmare version of a hot-liquid bong. To be clear, the smoke travels along a separate pathway that starts at the base of the mug, and continues up inside the handle to the aforementioned discreet mouthpiece.

It works very well. I used it while I wrote this, and managed to take a sip, then a hit, then another sip flawlessly, without a giving myself a lap full of scalding hot coffee or flaming cannabis embers. Based on the pipe mug's well-thought-out design, it wasn't a surprise, but validating for my motor abilities nonetheless.

Roush is currently making these in small production batches in her home studio in Northern Michigan, and at the moment they are only available through her Etsy shop.