Stay up to date on Portland news and politics. Looking for fun? Here are the best Things to Do in Portland today.

The Silent Killers

GOOD MORNING, PORTLAND! I need you, I want you, to have you, hold you, squeeze you. So I'm going out every weekend, just to see my Boo again. LET'S GO TO PRESS.

Ignoring clear and credible evidence from the CIA, Trump has decided to side with Saudi Arabian murderers and ignore the fact their crown prince ordered the brutal killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Color us not surprised. And if you didn't see his statement explaining his actions, check it out to discover why everyone originally thought it was a parody.

In yet ANOTHER clearly impeachable offense, the NYT has learned that Trump attempted to order the Justice Department to prosecute (not just investigate) his political enemies Hillary Clinton and James Comey.

Speaking of probable impeachment, Trump has reportedly turned in his written answers to questions posed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and thinks this should bring an end to the investigation. Something tells me his troubles are just beginning.

Man, the more we learn about acting AG Matthew Whitaker, the more we learn this is one sketchy dude.

"But what about the emails?" Ivanka Trump stands accused of conducting government business using her personal email. (Sound familiar?)

IN POLITICAL SOAP OPERA NEWS: Nancy Pelosi has so far been able to hold off a gang of rebelling Democrats by using the skills that make her so clearly qualified for the job.

Translucent human/Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg squeaked yesterday that he has no intention on stepping down from his corrupt company that is helping ruin America.

In case you missed it yesterday, romaine lettuce is POISON and will KILL YOU if you eat it!! Okay, fine, according to the CDC, a particularly dangerous type of e.coli has been detected in romaine lettuce in 11 states, hence the national warning to compost the stuff and eat something else... how about candy?

IN LOCAL NEWS: Multnomah County has a new strategy for dealing with overcrowded jails: releasing inmates for the first time since 2013. Our Blair Stenvick reports.

A Portland Housing Bureau secret investigation reveals that 25 percent of the time local landlords are treating immigrant and non-white renters worse than their white counterparts.

Now let's cast our eyes skyward at the WEATHER: Showers and cool weather return today with a high of 48.

And finally, just in case you need to feel more dumb and insecure than you already are, watch this video of a raccoon solving a Rubik's Cube in under three minutes.