Katie Turner
Since we’re no longer writing “unpopular opinion” threads on Twitter, here’s an unpopular opinion in print: I hate beer. I find the smell and taste of these hops-and-yeast brews to be, in a word, nasty. Luckily, fermented fruit has my back (and is also gluten-free)! While wine is often my go-to beverage, its high 11- to 13-percent alcohol content makes it a danger to enjoy too much of it. But cider? Ciders I can do all day. They’ve got a lot going for them: They’re sometimes dry, sometimes sweet, always thirst-quenching and carbonated. A versatile beverage, indeed. Here are six seasonal ciders worth sipping this summer.

Rosé Apple Cider (Square Mile Cider)
Made with rose hips and hibiscus flowers, Square Mile’s simple, refreshing rosé cider is made from three different Oregon apple varieties. It also got me wondering what the point of a simple rosé cider is, since this one tasted just like sparkling rosé wine—no cider vibes, really, except for the 6.2 percent alcohol. Regardless, it’s crisp, light, and a little sweet, with a clean finish. I ended up going back for more.