

Yeah cops are such assholes. He shot himself! Fuck you.


And what if that gun were real, and the officer didn't act because of all the anti-police BS the Mercury helps promote? Fuck you for aggressively trying to put the lives in danger of the only people willing to come save your ass when any of us might find ourselves in trouble.


i think i wrote this comment in the first iteration of this article, but i think it deserves repeating.

if i was committing a robbery and reached for a fake gun when caught by the police, i’d expect to be shot also.

wouldn’t anyone? police brutality is awful and there has been a lot of light recently shone on shootings of unarmed black men, but there also has to be some acknowledgement of the times an officer has to make a judgment call like that with only the information available to them when they made it. how would the cop have known it was a fake gun? i have a bb gun that looks probably real enough to get me killed, cost $40.

the tone of this article in being outraged and presuming police guilt seems basically without any cause given the facts the article reports. facts and tone should match, right?

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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