

Piss on this turd. Your fucking rights don't supercede mine you fuckass, inbred, dildo eater. It's my right to show up whenever and wherever you do, and tell you to shut the fuck up and ride your donkey back to your manure farm. The difference between us is I'm not a coward who needs a gun in his hand to say it. Keep your gun show free pocket constitutional fuckassery in Idaho.


Uprockinyourface pretty much nailed it. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Natural selection in full bloom! Similar to right-wing evangelicals who refuse to stop congregating - this COVID-19 shit WILL hopefully sort everything out! Just a little purging of the ol' gene pool!


Wait! Isn't this dude a Nevada or California resident? WTF is he in Idaho for protesting their Governours order when his wife and family are subject to a different states equally and intelligently strict order?

This also is Darwinian selection at it's finest!

Well said Uprockinyourface.


This stupid fuck wants to be martyred so bad


Uprockinyourface, I don't think anyone could have said it better. They will form a "legal defense" for businesses that stay open? Seriously doubt he has the qualifications for that. What a despicable narcissist!

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