Finally! Someones invented a proud parent machine!
Finally! Someone's invented a "proud parent machine"! Twitter Screen Shot

Friends, that week was a true junk-buster! So in the immortal words of philosopher Taylor Swift, it's time to "shake it off" and get in a weekend mood with these hilarious internet cheer-ups from your pals at the Mercury Cheer Up Club. YOU. ARE. WELCOME.

Today in "Death demands a song" news:

Today in "This Jeff Wright guy is so funny, here's another" news:

Today in "DO NOT GET DAD STARTED" news:

Today in "Not my first pick for a fire fighter" news:

Today in "I'd pay 50 cents" news:

Today in "Pass the loofah" news:

Today in "Rodney Dangerfield across the universe" news:

And finally, today in "Man, this commute to work gets tougher every day" news:

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