
All this week on the I, Anonymous Blog, we're inviting YOU to submit your creepiest, scariest, preferably true horror story. And we've already received some truly spine-tingling tales! Here's one titled, "Haunted House in Salem."

Several years ago my family and I lived in a haunted house. While living there, we tried rationalizing everything but now we know it for what it truly was…haunted! While touring the house and backyard, our small daughter said to us, “there is a man sitting in that tree with a hat on and he doesn’t want us here,” We thought it peculiar, but figured it was just a kids imagination. Doors slamming when no one was there, seeing people walking around the house dressed in old fashioned garb while we were outside, Pyrex dishes shattering on the counter, crows flinging themselves at the windows trying to come in…these were some of the things that happened during our 5 years there. We had a clock hung on the wall that never wanted to stay there. We would find it in the middle of the room a lot. Anytime my husband was working in the attached garage, he could hear voices speaking another language, yet no one was home and no one was outside. I got fed up and told whoever it was to leave. That evening while quietly sitting on the couch I heard a very distinct growl in my ear. It seemed like a warning. That same night, In the middle of the night the fire alarm went off. We finally ended up moving and as we were packing up the tv kept coming on by itself. We often wonder if the spirits are still there or have moved on.

Okaaay.. I'm sleeping with the lights on tonight! I bet you have a scary story to share too, right? So what are you waiting for ? We'll be accepting these true tales of Halloween horror (as well as your regular entertainingly petty submissions) all week long through Sunday, October 31. SO SUBMIT YOUR (ANONYMOUS) TALES OF TERROR NOW!