

Thankfully Julius Jones' life has been spared.

Given that there is no verdict yet in the Rittenhouse trial proves that people in this country believe it is perfectly acceptable for a young white male to have a weapon he has no legal right to have, to cross state lines, to hunt people, to murder two and almost murder a third and suffer no consequences. Remember that the next time there's a school shooting. Or a mall shooting. Or a workplace shooting. Or a church/synagogue/mosque shooting. Or a mass shooting at a concert or in a Wal*Mart or wherever any white male with a fucking automatic rifle commits mass murder. This country literally does not give a fuck. The fact that the jury is pretending to give careful consideration to whether or not Rittenhouse is guilty is sick. And the judge presiding over the case, sitting on his declaring a mistrial should the jury decide to hold Rittenhouse acccountable? He's even more reprehensible, especially since he took the gun charge off the table. Angry, racist, hate filled, stupid white males with guns are the single biggest threat to the safety, health and well being of everyone else in this country. The only person more dangerous is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the most successful bio-terrorist in human history. This is not an accident.

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