Margaret Atwoods feminist dystopian classic is getting the high-brow TV series treatment. Tell every unwoman you know!
Margaret Atwood's feminist dystopian classic is getting the high-brow TV series treatment. Tell every unwoman you know! Dominick D via Wikimedia Commons

It's an announcement that arrives just in time as we stare down a probable upcoming November battle between Brienne of Tarth and Joffrey Baratheon: Margaret Atwood's feminist dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale AKA baby feminist 18-year-old Megan's favorite book, is getting the high-brow TV series treatment, in a straight-to-series deal with Hulu, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The adaptation will star Elisabeth Moss of Mad Men and Top of the Lake (yay!) and Queen Atwood herself will be a consulting producer on the show (hooray!).

There's already been one adaptation of Atwood's classic, the imperfect but basically pretty good 1990 version starring Natasha Richardson. Now would be a great time to revisit the book, or to treat yourself if you haven't yet read it. It's one of the greatest works of speculative fiction I've ever read, partly because it doesn't actually speculate that wildly, given that we live in a country women's health care is actively demonized by paternalistic laws, and an alleged rapist who's publicly stated women should be punished for having abortions is running for the highest office in the land.

Now more than ever: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum!