Books Feb 10, 2016 at 4:00 pm

If Someone Buys You On Love This Week, Dump 'Em!


Hell yes.
Steve: "OK, who on the staff hates Bukowski the most? this!"
what kind of oblivious sluggish critic is this
what kind of oblivious sluggish critic is this?
This anthology does looks awful, but don't blame Bukowski for that - he's dead! I'm wondering how much of his work that author has actually read? This is a very cursory analysis of someone who published over 80 titles in their life, and whose career spanned about five decades. Yes the "Women" part of the oeuvre is a bit tiresome, but there's more context to it than the old "he's a misogynist" chestnut, which as well worn and superficial as anything the "Guy in Your MFA" has to offer.

Suzette, check out his poems to long-time lover Jane after her death, or The Shower, or his hilarious novels Hollywood, Post Office and Ham on Rye, or anything in Last Night of The Earth Poems - written when he was well-settled into domesticity with the love of his life and his wife and companion of 18 years until he died, Linda. People grow and evolve, and the poems in this book, like any piece in an autobiographical artists body of work, are snapshots in time...

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