Cannabis May 4, 2016 at 4:00 am

Cannabis Helps with PTSD, and So Can You


I am a former Chapter VP of Portland Grow for Vets, as well as a 17 year veteran of the Army, reserve and National Guard. Although GfV advertises that they accept donations of "Cash, Cannabis and time," their focus is to raise cash donations through the sale of T shirts, the use of veteran suicides and by having unpaid, uncompensated, volunteers solicit businesses to give cash or allow donation collection jars. After over a year of asking, there has never been any kind of financial transparency to this organization, which is why the entire chapter leadership of Grow for Vets Portland resigned. Roger is planning to come to Portland to oversee "the surrender of chapter property" (his words lol) this weekend. I hope I get a chance to ask him questions with witnesses around me. He is quite adept at blowing people off. One thing I really want to question him about is his Military Service. There seems to be no information regarding that in all his publicity. I think he probably served a few years in the 70's, or was maybe a reservist of the same time - but I am certainly convinced there is no leadership role for him in the veteran community, but this is just my opinion.

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