Well toes, do you kiss them back? Tongue? If so, yes, you have fucked a lot of dogs, and you are a very disturbed person whose opinion doesn't count for much.
Watch out, Davis! Are you attempting to lead teens astray? Do you want to get into the same bind as Mayor Sam? I'll bet there are THOUSANDS of 17 y/o who would love to kiss you. Do you remember the 24/7 hormone rush that was 17? You can't imagine how many good lookin' young guys were at the rally on Friday night with sweet grins on their faces and carrying signs that said: "My Mayor Sam is a Silver Fox". I imagine that he has guys throwing themselves at him every day of the week. You see, the power of his station is the greatest aphrodisiac. Beau "Lolita" Breedlove was the first case in point. And all the straights are titillated and jealous. They can finally read gay porn in the fishwrappers and get worked up, all under the guise of political concern. I'm glad Sam is back. I'm sure he will exercise a little more self control the next time such an opportunity arises.
Why don't you play the Tadzio role and do it with Savage before he leaves town? You're over 18, but still half his age, so there wouldn't be any legal repercussion.
Will - the fact that your parents made you sleep in a men's room coupled with the fact they were french kissing you does indeed suggest abuse. Seek help, or at least put down the pipe - speed kills!
if I were 17, I'd totally make out with you.
Oh shit, I'm not 17 anymore, just 18.
beaulita. sam's sin, his soul.
it just won't do.
- Also - who kisses dogs for over a minute in mens rooms?