Portland lacks a formal process for renters to form a tenant union, but residents at one apartment complex say they’ve found leverage by banding together.
Service providers say Regional Long-Term Rent Assistance is among the most successful tools to combat homelessness. The only problem? A 5,560-person waiting list
The Hazel Ying Lee apartment complex sits at the site of a former strip club on Powell Boulevard. It's the largest new construction project funded by the Portland Housing Bond.
At a recent City Council meeting, members of Portland’s Historic Landmarks Commission asked elected officials to rethink the "new build" approach to housing production.
The code change discussions underscored key differences amongst Portland City Council members— some of whom are competing for the mayoral seat this year.
The nearly three-decade old nonprofit plans to lay off most staffers until it secures more resources. Employees say the problem goes even deeper, alleging mismanagement and union-busting.
Mayor Wheeler and Commissioner Ryan were asked to involve the perspective of homeless Portlanders before passing a plan to criminalize homelessness in Portland.