With nearly $3.3 million paid out to injured protesters, a follow-up assessment highlights Portland Police Bureau’s progress and shortcomings on new policies, crowd control tactics.
In 2020, Portland voters called for a bold, independent police accountability system devoid of law enforcement influence. Now, police will help pick the new board members.
While the new community-led police oversight system is finally on track, some commissioners are furious at a federal judge's decision to postpone board selection until a new council is in place.
Two law enforcement training conferences in Oregon will feature Dave Grossman, a self-proclaimed expert in “killology" who teaches preparation for combat.
Judge greenlights police union initiative to scrap and replace Portland’s independent oversight board—which was approved by voters—after striking down a previous PPA measure.
Mark P. Smith & Associates will take over monitoring of Portland Police Bureau’s adherence to federal directives. The team includes a former violence prevention leader for the city.
Members of Portland's Police Accountability Commission lambast city's proposed code revisions, which now call for police to help shape oversight board.
Lovell, who was appointed chief in 2020, said he never intended to serve as chief through retirement. He will move into a community engagement role at Portland Police Bureau.
ShotSpotter and EAGL, both finalists for gunfire detection pilot program, presented their technology during a community forum—and drew a significant number of questions and concern.