I, Anonymous Dec 17, 2009 at 4:00 am

Soup de Nuts


Anonymous is part of the custodial staff at a hotel, and a used condom is the worst, grossest thing he/she has had to deal with? Consider yourself lucky.
I think cleaning shit off the carpet would be a lot grosser than picking up a condom.
If I were you I would find out who the room was registered to and mail that lovely momento back to them. You might bring Karma knocking at their door.
I used to work at a movie theatre and I found a 32 oz cup half full of semen, people fucking in a bathroom, extracted teeth, A BAG OF LIVE FISH, .. etc. This guy's just a little baby
16 oz of semen? was Rod Stewart there?
And I think to myself...
what a wonderful woooooooorrrrrlllld!
Wait, isn't the rule that if you plan to reuse it you hang it up and if you would like it to be replaced you leave it on the floor?
"Twice in one week"? Was it the SAME condom BOTH times? Ewwwww. WICKED Skeevy!
I used to work at GOODWILL and have touched everything from baby shit to cobwebs to dirty underwear. I have held granny panties that were over 16 inches across.

Stop your bitching. Really. *LIFE is shitty. Deal with it.
Is it more disgusting to fish them out of the sheets or pick one up off the ground? Quit your whining and do the job you were hired to do; seriously.
The ENTIRE POINT of I,A is to gripe, you sillies! All this "grow up" and "deal with it" just shows how much sillier YOU are than the author, who usually (but not always) is eloquently funny, entertaining, and has been vetted by TPM staff as having the most entertainment value for tthe column that particular week. If you don't want to read it, then don't. People who whine that I,A is wasting their time...HA!

And to this week's I,A.... sure it wasn't a your tip?
Just an FYI people, as a room attendant it is NOT their job to dispose of some thoughtless ignorant "guest's" hazardous materials.....which a condom full of semen infested with god knows what, is! As an establishment there is not much you can do after they check out but if this guest has stayed a couple of nights and it happened more then once and was obviously blatant there IS something you can do, like not clean the room period and leave a voicemail or a tent card signed by management indicating why it was not cleaned. I personally have worked in the hospitality industry for 8 years and the last position I held was that of Executive Housekeepr, of 5 start property up in Canada so I can assure you I speak from experience and have seen much much worse then a lone condom on the floor but the fact remains the room attendants are not responsible for cleaning up potentially harmful/dangerous materials. That being said, this is I,A and is precisely the place to grip about sh*t that pisses you off or creeps you out etc. so to the people that bitch about the people that bitch here, the laughs are on you!
Kimmy47 for the win!
I know somebody else's used condom is gross, but it is the kind of thing one might expect to find in a hotel room. And at least the guests haven't hidden it for your later amusement.

I used to work at a beach bathhouse and just about every day we had to play "find the hidden feminine hygiene product" [the signal for the game to begin was the aroma that would arise in the heat of the afternoon]. You wouldn't believe the creative places we'd have to investigate, like in the small space between the wall and the lockers, or stuffed up in the rafters. The longer it took to find the tampon, the worse the smell.

All I'm saying is there's gross, and there's groooossssss.
No, just no.

I stayed at a hotel where we found a used pregnancy test (negative - congrats!) stashed behind the tv and goopy blood on the doorframe. I know that the bedspreads, walls, door handles, fixtures, tv remote, etc. are infested with germs, and spoo stains, but yeah, used condoms are fucking nasty. In terms of dangerous pathogens, blood and semen are on top. Having worked (very briefly; hats off to those who last longer) in housekeeping, I agree - it's dangerous and revolting to have to deal with used condoms. And I've never seen housekeepers w/hazmat suits, so I doubt they're protected.

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