I, Anonymous Apr 15, 2010 at 4:00 am

I Don't Like Your Hitler 'Stache


I'm not sure what to say here. I feel like it's a one hundred per cent valid complaint. And I also feel like you, anonie, need a fucking hobby.
Brave stance, coming out against hitler mustaches.
Maybe we should all crucify him...Too much? I think that might be too much
rah! because violently enforcing strictures against certain types of dress and facial hair is what religious freedom is all about!!!
you go meshuga wannabe
you sure it wasn't just a short Merle Allin stache? so judgmental.
i have a hitler stache right above my cock
Personally, I think he should keep the stache. That way I can recognize him as the complete tool that he is, without having to engage him in conversation. It's functionally like having a tattoo on your face that says 'asshole'.

I wish more dickwads, idiots, and bigots had warning labels. It would just save us all a lot of time.
I can't tell if you hate the 'stache or the fact he was jiggly and pudgy. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
What kind of sicko wants to go watch a foreskin get snipped? Not that Hitler staches are cool or anything....
Just an FYI you sound like Hitler yourself commenting on what kind of facial hair others can grow and then saying you are going to impose physical harm on them for wearing what YOU consider to be a "hitler" stache. Hmmm guess freedom of choice, expression etc.. really only works for you if its YOUR CHOICE.
"I have jewish friends"? Seriously? That's just a weak-sister of the "Some of my best friends are black" line of white liberal guilt. Surely your hardcore jewish friends, if they are truly that offended, can take matters into their own hands rather than relying on you to stand up for them?
Maybe he was a Charlie Chaplin impersonator or maybe it was Ron Mael, in the flesh.

But yeah, I have to agree with rich bachelor and Colonel Panic.
Aggression over a Hitler stache? Well, there is a lot of other offensive facial hair out there, good luck with all those ass kickings.

I fucking hate the "fancy" facial hair that PDX hipsters think makes them "cool" or "unique" or whatever. In fact, it makes you look like a dumbass and trend-follower.

Ass kicker and facial hair douches, you deserve each other.
Do you also condemn a thick wide moustache because it reminds you of Stalin? Do top hats always make you think of Lincoln?
how dare you insult
why didn't you confront him on the street and find out what is behind having this kind of facial hair?
no instead you threaten him?
grow some brain cells and balls
And I have lots of black friends too so you better not grow a mullet!
what if he is just a huge Charlie Chaplin fan?
I think we should round up all the people wearing Hitler mustaches and put them in concentration camps. :D
What's next, you going to tell me I was wrong to go to a Passover Seder dressed as the Pharaoh? Because that hasn't stopped me yet.
And that comment about reformed Jews is sure of a lot more insulting than facial hair...
Has the word "fascionist" been coined yet?
That's just fucking stupid. That's like those Vietnam Vets that get mad at me and talk shit because I'm wearing a non la (hat) — and to their credit I've only run into two such imbecile jerks. Maybe Christians should start kicking the shit out of people with hair styles that resemble certain Roman emperors? You're a stupid fuck, and yours is the ass that needs to be handed to you.
Nothing like dropping a fat load on a nicely trimmed Hitler stache', nothin' at all.
...that and all those bald people running around with Lenin goatees. Sheesh!!
While you're busy assaulting random strangers, would you & your Jewish friends care to level a Palestinian village too?
What a passive-agressive twat! Couldn't come up with something on the fly when you seen this person? Needed to rehearse a bit? Hahaha!!!! I love pdxMercury/iAnon! Viva la hitler stache!!!!
As someone with both German and Jewish heritage, I'd like to say "It's a moustache, get the fuck over yourself". What kind of a Nazi douche are you, to take offense at a 'Hitler stache' and then trash 'reform Jews' and threaten violence on the individual if they don't comply with your wishes (like Hitler)? I don't need anonymity to tell you that Jews don't need to be defended by an ignorant punk-ass fascist bitch like you.
Here's a notion.. I'm sure there were plenty of clean shaven men who handed small-pox laden blankets to the Indians. You want to beat their asses too, or do you not have any Indian friends to peddle your white guilt to?
You said he was fat, maybe he's a fan of Laurel and Hardy? If you couldn't say something to his face, that means he has more... chutzpah, if you will.
See what happens when we bow to political pressures. The "Hitler mustache" or the proper name is toothbrush mustache, used to be a sign of oral expertise. A man would walk down the street sporting his 'stash and the ladies all knew that this man would gladly preform oral sex, even during those uptight days of last century. Ever see those old films where the young women wept to be in Adolph's presence? It was the mustache! The other Nazi's would try to duplicate his luck with the women, always falling short.

Interstingly, Nazi Germany had laws against the toothbrush mustache, allowing only Hitler (and Charlie Chaplin) to don the lady attracting upper lip wear. The more things change, the more their the same.
You know what's worse than having a Hitler 'stache? Being a passive-aggressive shitcock who talks tough from behind his keyboard.

"I was so amazed I didn't know what to do." Yep, I'm sure you were literally paralyzed by your amazement. Or, you're a huge blubbering vagina who decided to veil his sickly 120-pound frame in a cloak of internet anonymity.

Also awesome: in between being paralyzed into inaction by amazement and scampering home to write an angry anonymous missive, you "memorized his face." Because like, the Hitler 'stache wouldn't have jogged your memory.
Better you should turn him over to your Haredi friends. They'll shave that Hitlerstache with an rusty, unwashed izmel.
Of course, it's also possible the guy's just a fan of the keyboard player from Sparks.

man to bad Hitler didn't' wear skinny jeans
so you are threatening people with violence based on their facial hair? YOU'RE the Nazi! There's no such thing as a "Furher stache," Hitler was wearing a stache that was made popular by Charlie Chaplin. Maybe no body should be a vegetarian or breath oxygen cause I have a feeling that Hitler did that too! We wouldn't want to piss of your Jewish "friends" now would we?
Oh boo hoo, don't wear a toothbrush moustache---it might offend ze jews! Isn't winning Oscars every year for the latest Holocaust film enough for to make ammends at this point. I don't hear my Armenenian friend bitching when we go to a Turkish restaurant. Anonymous--I think you are a overly sensitive little child--most likely another dipshit transplant to Portland from some upscale suburb. Nut up...A lot of people in history have worn that style.
Hey, don't forget the little tramp had one too, even before the Fuhrer.
People can't wear their facial hair the way they want but you are ok with ritualistic genital mutilation of male infants?? You're such a friggin' follower.
was this saturday morning lol, because i got shit faced at a party and woke up with a shitler sharpee'd on my face. i almost got my ass kicked even though it was unbeknownst to me.
I feel the same way every time I see some square walking down the street in tapered and pleated khakis and a tucked in IZOD polo. I just whets my whistle knowing that honkey is just chomping at the bit to make fun of Mormons. Aside from my one recovering friend, I don't have any Mormon friends because they're weird. But if I did, I'd be really butt hurt about it just like my Goy friend here.
I don't know what's more offensive: judging someone for his facial hair or making snide comments about his weight.
why do you hate charlie chaplin so much?
Bea, and Hetero Men: Does a moustache REALLY
I just REALLY want to know -- Does ANY 'stache mean "oral sex here" or just the toothbrush?? I would really appreciate hearing from moustached men out there. No, I haven't been living in a cave. I just have never taken a poll on the subject.
Hitler did not invent that stache and it is no more his than anyone else's... yes, Hitler enjoyed rocking that stache and he also enjoyed painting. Should we all stop painting as well? Get a life. Unless the person anon saw was in some way conveying a pro-nazi/anti-jew message, anon needs to seriously stfu.
Yeah! And Hitler parted his hair on the left too, so next time I see any of you motherfuckers with left-handed hair parts - I'm gonna fuck you up! I'm not Jewish myself, but I know some Jews and I like being offended!
Man, as a man who used to actually hit Nazis, fight them and not just fantasize about it, I find your verbal chest beating just more proof that Portland has become too politically correct. You need to be ashamed of yourself, no wonder you signed off as anonymous, its people like you who were ashamed "after" the Jews and Rom and homosexuals and Slavs were exterminated. "I was so , like, gonna kick some Nazi ass". Yeah, right. Mein little armchair warrior: sit back and let men take care of the scumbags.
I've seen that guy down by PSU or least a guy like him. You could call it a Chaplin stash but you can't deny what it signifies to billions of people. It's like saying, "I'm going to name my child Adolf, and it has nothing to do with Hitler!" Yeah the dude that posted this is angry, but I find it kind of disturbing how much support this stash is getting.
That was guy was on his way to a casting call for a Charlie Chaplin Ad. Jeez. Your really chomping at the Bit to get mad aren't cha?
sauceypancake, I think that is a ridiculous analogy. If you lived in Europe I bet you'd be way more familiar with the name Adolf. I myself have a family member named Adolf. It has nothing to do with Hitler and no one ever even suggests that it does! I mean, really. Hitler does not own the name Adolf! He doesn't even own the name Hitler. Just like Ava Braun doesn't own the name Braun (one of the most common german last names, like "Brown" for Americans).... It is ridiculous to suggest that nazism is tied in any meaningful way to a MOUSTACHE. I mean, really?!
Hahahahah...THIS is awesome (all of these comments).

I say bring on the Hitler 'stache, and other supposed racial stereotypes. Let's all take part and show people that they really don't mean anything. That's one thing it's going to take for us to overcome race issues - to realize we're more similar and that those things don't matter.
you're the hipster shitbag cocksucker for calling reform jews names like that. note to you, sir: you aren't even jewish. fight your own battles, jackass, and leave this one to pussy ass reform jews like myself.
What is frighteningly worrysome about this "I, Anonymous" post is neither the mustache of concern, nor the offensively ignorant comments about Reform Jews, but rather the justification of violence towards someone who maintains a controversial appearance.
Are we really so poorly evolved that we turn to physical force when we disapprove of a person's facial hair? Despite the toothbrush mustache's historically negative connotation, how does wearing a mustache EVER warrant physical violence?
Let us compare Hitler's behaviors with those of Mustache Man and Anonymous to assess this situation:
Hitler used religion, racism, and intolerance to spread hate, violence, and death. The "Mustachioed Offender" walked down a street sporting a mustache that has been worn by numerous others before and after Hitler, and according to Anonymous the mustache-wearer was smiling and not exhibiting any aggressive behavior! Anonymous, on the other hand, has incited potential violence towards someone based MERELY on appearance, with no knowledge of the Mustache-Sporter's character or intent. At surface level, who more closely identifies with the beliefs and behaviors of Hitler? Who poses a greater threat to society?
Although I profoundly believe it is unwise and unfair to judge people based on their appearance, it is inevitable and we all do it. It is acceptable to voice cautious concern when you see people sporting suspicious symbols that might be promoting the spread of hatred/intolerance. Our Constitution affords us such freedoms of speech. HOWEVER, attempting to rectify such a scenario by promoting vigilante violence is inherently hypocritical, not to mention malicious and wrong! Therefore, Anonymous, by physically threatening Toothbrush Mustache Man because he chose to wear something you find unacceptable, you are promoting that very philosophy of intolerance that you were so offended by in the first place. Furthermore, any unwarranted physical action taken by you or anyone else towards the now infamous Mustache-Wearer will surely result in an assault misdemeanor at best, and you are fully traceable because you have decided to publically post your intent to harm!
Additionally, U.S. Military regulations require military members who opt for facial hair to keep their mustaches short, trimmed, and contained similarly to the toothbrush mustache. Ask any member of the U.S. Military about this rule and they will both confirm this regulation, as well as recant their own or their comrades experiences of being mistaken as Hitler-sympathizers due to ignorance over this mustache-style.
Let's embrace logic and reason, and recognize that the best way to approach all nonviolent situations is through peaceable, intelligent debate, not through intolerance and physical force.
Maybe it was a Max Fleischer 'stache?
Or a Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov 'stache?
Or a Charlie Chaplin 'stache?
Or a Otto Frank 'stache?
Or a Oliver Hardy 'stache?

No, you must be right righteous writer.
No one knows who these other people even are.

Also, I wonder who is the braver of the two: the moustache guy or the anonymous shit talker?
Sorry. My girlfriend told me it's "cute".
Last I checked hanging around with religious fundamentalists wasn't something to brag or boast about you loud mouthed coward! You're probably just one of that kids' buddies giving him hell anyway...
this i anonymous has a hitler moustache on their soul
Hey anonymous, don't you have some Palestinian land to steal and some Arabs to kill? Quit wasting your time here. Those Palestinian homes aren't going to bulldoze themselves, honey.
For printing yet another, "I saw something I didn't like and instead of confronting it directly I'm acting all tough/bitchy later in an anonymous written correspondence," The Mercury is, again, stupid.
Please stop using the word hipster! GodDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why, tabitharat? are you a hipster or something?
we should burn a big pile of Charlie Chaplain dvds in support and attack anyone who won't fall in line!
Ps: Anyone who uses the words "namby-pamby" deserve to be beat up.
I have seen this guy. I'm pretty sure of it because... I mean really, how many other people have chosen this style of facial hair in Portland. He also happens to fit the "pudgy" bill. Seeing as how this guy works at [probably best not to give him away], I figure his employer knows it's not meant to be a Hitler stache. I always thought he was trying to go for the Charlie Chaplin. But I can easily see why someone would intermediately jump to the Adolf conclusion first.
It's a Charlie Chaplin mustache! Honest!
What, and eliminate a really good way to spot an asshole from a distance?
HEY WAIT A FREAKING MINUTE...Why is it A "hitler Stache".. you sure it wasn't a Charlie Chaplin Stache?? Chaplin had it longer and well before the ass clown, dead running Joke of a man named Adolf had it on his face. So let us forget the image of hitler the "stache" in question brings to mind and only remember the good of Chaplin. I mean did we all stop wearing Hoodies or Beards because the Unabomber wore them? ?
I don't think that those Jewish people are your friends if you're talking about them like that. I wouldn't be
Michael Jordan has a Hitler mustache.
is this dude cute?? I mean if he's a hipster, sporting a hitler stach and wearing skinny jeans??? Are these the proper facts? And about how pudgy would you say?? Oh! And does he have cool emo hair? Personally, I dig the waif-ie bois but this one sounds like a possibility?? Just sayin ;)
Copying the look of that dangerous commie rat-bastard Charlie Chaplin is going too damn far, I'm amazed you didn't hit him in the face with a brick.
I'm gunna grow Hitstache on account of this article.
It's just a Portland person expressing himself or making a statement with his appearance.
Isn't that what a lot of people do here? LOL.
Besides, if a man with a militaristic close shaved head would you say he was sporting a General Yamamoto hairdo? What if the man was a mature Asian man too... Would you say he was impersonating the WWII warlord notorious in the Pacific?
You could just impale offensive guys like these with a improvised spear using a long wooden stick, you know, uncannily like the holy lance of Longinus?

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