I, Anonymous May 14, 2014 at 4:00 pm



This is so obviously fiction. What roommates do each other's laundry? Most roommates are lucky enough to work out whose turn it is to clean the bathroom or take out the trash. Comingling laundry? It would never work. Next.
I, too, think this is fiction. However, the male roommate becoming infatuated with the female roommate is certainly true. When men are in the proximity of a woman they like, they often will not let it go and move on. Think about how fun it would be if a woman who you find completely un-appealing (think Ann Coulter), was living with you, always eyeing you, acting weird when you go into the shower or are changing, and constantly trying to "snuggle". It gets old and exhausting.
"Love honey" is now my favorite term for that, so thank you, anonymous.
you are a creep and a fucked up one at that

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