I, Anonymous Nov 12, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Battle Me


I would feel the exact same way. I don't blame her for taking a stand for herself.
While it's true that it's great for women to know at least some basic self defense,and false that anyone experiencing stalking/harassment of the kind you describe is just "asking for it", you describe one physical conflict,one enduring stalker, and one totally independent guy hiding in your bushes, over the course of the past couple years, which seems to me like a higher than average number of critical incidents. At what point do you ask yourself, what is it about me or how I'm behaving or how I'm thinking about things that has positioned me to be the super-common denominator in all these situations? Cause as a fellow female bodied person who is antiquated with many other "crazy/slutty/dramatic" female bodied individuals, I don't think it's only the female thing working against you.
Every book about self defense always offers the caveat of not to use force in excess of what is barely needed in order to subdue an attacker.

Fucking bullshit. There is no way of knowing the intent of any attacker. I take the view that anyone who so much as raises a fucking eyebrow needs to be preempted, whether I actually bust the first move, or not.

If you have to defend yourself, your aim should be to drop him fast. Thrust your fingers to his eyes, then break his fucking leg off at the kneecap, kick him in the head and stamp on his throat. Then get the hell out of there before the Pigs show up.
As far as her own behavior goes, so what if she were actually asking for it? The police and FBI entrap gullible sociopaths, all the time and get away with it. If some neuritic, thrill seeking chick wants to play Death Wish, consider it a public service. Personally, I'd like to see her show the Pigs, up, as well as to kick some bully's ass.
Kick his ass, Sea Bass!
Sounds good. Were we supposed to object to this for some reason?
Also don't forget to dig fingernails into the face and drag down so the police have an easier time identifying someone. Not just advice for women but anyone who is attacked.
The best thing about martial arts (or studying combat?) is that I haven't had a single escalated confrontation since ... I have handled any face to face or hand to hand "misunderstanding" gracefully - in a masculine sense - without contact or violence. I hope your studies lead to even more confidence and mindfulness and above all peace (of mind)! I encourage all people, women like myself but especially men in a culture of violence and impatience, to study mindfulness, movement, and martial arts :) The ability to subdue, dissuade, disengage, or otherwise negotiate conflict without invoking violence is a huge rush !
Good for you! Self-defense training is super empowering. Kick ass!
I for one believe her. Wouldn't be surprised if she took the offensive, either...
yes lady!
This is disturbing, I feel for you. I ask the question though, do you have friends? If this happened to anyone I care for I would defend them and take action immediately. Legal or not. Period
sorry i was in your bushes.... i didn't mean for it to be weird
jk... jk... violence is the answer... maybe try stalking him.
You go girl! You can ultimately only depend on yourself. Preparation is a must. Stay smart. Stay strong. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks.
I feel you, and encourage you in your training. I did the same thing, I had a job where I was out in the public dealing with clients and accounts, traveling all over, and men would pace me to my car, one even hiding behind it waiting (I noticed him and ran to the car, jumped in and laid on the horn, he took off) so I started carrying brass knuckles at night and doing Krav Maga and kickboxing training. It gave me amazing confidence, I know how to handle myself in case one of these asshole creeps ever gets the courage to attempt to touch me. Self defense training is not going to stop people from being horrible, but at least we can dissuade someone from ever terrorizing someone again. My motto during training: I'm not going to start shit but I will finish it.
Yes this world has many flavors of stalker crazy. Its not just being a woman. My friend who is a police officer has told me i have a victim vibe rolling off me. I am polite, always use my blinker & look both ways before crossing the street. If there is a stranger who needs my help I usually help. My friend is concerned that I am too sweet aka victim waiting to happen. Yes I have taken self defence classes and can fend off someone. Your correct that you cannot rely on others to protect you. You have to be aware & make sure you have a plan when you go anywhere alone.
Get gun because your Judo ain't going to protect you from our big fat stupid ugly mouth.

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