I, Anonymous Mar 11, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Outdoor Neighbors


As a cat person, I have to support this IA and tell other cat people that their outdoor cats really are nuisances. Whether it's your cat shitting in your neighbor's yard for their dog to eat or your cat shitting in your neighbor's vegetable gardens, they're nuisances. Keep them inside!
Cats kill the rodents who menace all of us so they can shit wherever they want as far as I'm concerned. Meanwhile, dogs bite and sometimes kill people and were used by the Nazis to round up internees. So, if anything, your dog should stay inside while pussy should roam free.
And guess which animal the cops used to find your drugs? Which animal was used to bite civil rights protesters? Here's a hint -- no cats were used in the drug war or to defend segregation. Cats kill the vermin who carry bubonic plague and also make great Facebook memes. And you've never heard anyone say, "Release the cats of war!" have you? Of course not. Because cats are too cool to serve in any army other than the now-defunct Persian one, fur their own reasons.
Mr. Greener, cats don't do anything like that because cats are dumb. The one thing they are good at is shitty in the neighbor's yard.
Every segregationist police dog that got sick eating cat poop hastened the day when segregation ended. You're either with cats or with the Confederacy, THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND.
Don't forget that toxoplasmosis (suggested to be a large factor in schizophrenia) travels via cat feces and is estimated to infect a third of the world's population.


I'm of two minds on that
This is hilarious. I personally don't care what people say-My cats will always be outdoor cats. And if your dog eats shit, well I think it's your dogs business. I have never had a dog get sick form eating shit. Better yet, non of my dogs have eaten animal shit. I know some do and I am glad mine don't. Dogs will be dogs and cats will be cats. Deal with it!
Dogs form packs that rip and tear apart discarded stuffed animals accidentally left behind by crying orphaned children distraught over the fact their parents abandoned them because there was no room for them in their Pearl District studio. Meanwhile, cats will nuzzle up to such children, who then grow up to support pot legalization and more bike lanes. It's no contest. Dogs are Ayn Rand disciples and cats are the Elizabeth Warren voting Democrats of the animal world.
Can we all agree this argument is about poop? Yes? Good. Now,continue to post these shitty comments, but remember to smile while doing so (cause it all amounts to poop).
Predatory capitalists engage in "dog-eat-dog" antics whereas cats respect each other's felines and are Meowists.
Cats outdoors kill songbirds. 2.4 billion per year. Indoor cats, no so much. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/science/that-cuddly-kitty-of-yours-is-a-killer.html?referrer=
I don't think your dog is gross. You're just an ignorant human. I mean I guess you have a point. We have taken cats out of their natural habitat... Houses. Once upon a time the world was covered in houses, and everyone's cat lived in one... But oh, the meddling humans we started to destroy the cats natural environment and replace it with forest and field. Now we force those poor cats to go outside.

Seriously, your lack of understanding of an animals needs to behave as an animal clearly identify you as an unfit pet owner. Don't believe me? You're an animal..... Go to prison. Maybe you'll appreciate how it feels to lose your freedom.
People are way too invested in this idea that cats have a right to roam unattended. The facts are these, cats kill on average 7 wild animals per week…average. In most countries (including the USA) feral cats and domestic cats are decimating the native populations of song birds and endangered species. Outdoor cats are also prey for larger predators and encourage coyotes into neighborhoods. They are killed or injured by other cats, cars, dogs, contagions like feline leukemia, abscessed wounds, accidents, and sycophants who like to torture cats, etc. They scratch peoples cars, get caught up in car engines seeking out heat, they are backed over, fall out of tree's, start breeding early, like to fight into the wee hours of the night, and yes they do defecate in your neighbors yard leaving them to pick it up. If I see one more sign on a lamp post with Fifi's pic pleading for their safe return I will scream. I say this to all the apparently well meaning cat lovers who let their family member out unattended….go get a clue, you are not an animal lover if you do this, deal with that truth.
I don't pick up my dog's shit unless it's in my yard. Watch where you walk.
Cats scratch people's cars? If that means the gentrifiers are then afraid to move into Portland, isn't that a good thing? Look out, it's a coyote, lured here by the mewing of a cat!!! Have any of you cat-haters been, like, outside ever? Or drunk? Have any you gone on dates? Or had jobs?
dear NotaHIpster2000, I am not an "animal lover". I am a cat lover. We had our own religion in Egypt till the jihadists stole our name. i think. not sure. but while every dog has his day, a cat has nine lives. So we win. Dogs are just wolves with good p.r. depts. They are good for people unable to relate to anyone they can't control with a leash, which is why so many dog owners went to see "50 Shades of Grey". Because they like it ruff.
I hate those cat torturing sycophants, but the psychopathic yes-men are even worse.
Are these comments all satire or just incredibly stupid?
Bryanna Hogan was being serious I think. Other than that I think its a mix of trollollolling and retardation.
The real question here is why do so many of you hate freedom? Freedom-haters fill the litter-box of liberty with turds of tyranny.

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