I, Anonymous Mar 18, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Fashion Unchained


The Mercury must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel today. IAs that simply mock other people's personal fashion choices are so middle school!! Ya know, some people just don't give a shit about what's trendy or more importantly what YOU think.
Remember when IA used to be poignant?
Why would you boil your comb? Is that a head lice reference? Ew!
Yes. We have arrived..
You don't know...someone might pickpocket them...
When you get your wallet stolen out of your pocket, because you were too cocky and arrogant about life...you'll be sorry you weren't rockin' the chain wallet.
I mean, no one has ever said 'I wish I had a chain wallet' after being robbed, but the point still stands. Let people dress how they want, and if you're angry about it just remember someone out there thinks you look like a twat, too.
I'm glad my duct tape wallet wasn't called out. Phew. Now where are my painter pants.
Oh, wait, I get it … it's ironic. Oh, I see what you did there, Anon.
Why would I give a fuck what you think of my style?
Move back to California.
This is a pretty stupid rant, the answer to all of your dreams is clear, don't buy a chain wallet and don't befriend anyone with a chain wallet so that you don't have an aneurism. FYI, the chain wallet has a function and guess what: It has NOTHING to do with fear of pick-pockets or fashion. Ever hear a chain wallet also called a "biker wallet"? It keeps your wallet on your person and not in the street, not on the bar, not on your dresser and not in your car. Anyone who regularly rides a bike or motorcycle in regular pants or who tends to be forgetful has a use for one. If you're into fashion there are many types of chains and wallets to fit your style but for those of us who want simple functionality it's not a fashion statement, lol.
The chain, as I understood it, is not to keep your wallet from getting pickpocketed. Both Bikers and Truckers have worn non-fold long wallets that don't create much of a bulge to sit on for long hours. Being longer than a normal wallet there is a possibility that they might fall out of someone's pants, so they're secured with a chain.
I love the proper schooling on wallet chain origins. Yeh, IA is either experiencing serious entropy or their selectors need funemployment
I wear a wallet chain.

Because my wallet WAS stolen.

Guess who never loses their wallet? People who chain them to their pants, that's who!

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