Letters Mar 15, 2012 at 4:00 am


Is a contraceptor a dinosaur that provides you with birth control devices?
In response to Peter, whose wife has Crohn’s disease: I, too, have Crohn’s and know how difficult it is to do anything, sometimes even getting out of the house. It's a painful and trying disease and it's hard to discuss many of the symptoms without feeling embarrassed. I also know how hard it can be on both of the people in a relationship when one of them is often sick, but for you to parade out your wife and the details of her symptoms just so you can get some sort of vote of sympathy is just cruel and inconsiderate. My girlfriend is with me because she loves me, not because of some promise she made that makes her feel contractually obligated to be by my side. I applaud your wife for having the patience and will of a saint that allows her to deal with her disease, two children and your terrible attitude. If you're really having such a hard time and feeling so pent up then maybe you're time is better spent alone and rubbing one out.
-Jeremy Garrard
In response to CUT AND RUN from BigAl:
Please keep your tired rhetoric the hell out of the otherwise enjoyable, thought provoking, and relevant pages of my beloved local weekly. Blaming public employees for most, if not any, municipal budget deficit is shortsighted and entirely apropos of the stumbling army of mouth breathing, greedy dunces that have been conned into running our country and economy into the ground. The "happier times" you refer to when unions once "negotiated themselves healthy benefits packages"? If you look back, most of these pension programs were established in lieu of pay raises for the workers because, much like today, wealthy Americans weren't paying their fair share of taxes. It was a way to "kick the can down the road" for civic leaders. As a member of the "tax-paying public", BigAl, you should be more concerned with the increasing likeness to the Guilded Age of your socio-economic surroundings. Another suggestion: Ponder Portland's budget shortfall as you ride the tram from the deserted South Waterfront development to OHSU over and over again. Until then, please restrict your vacuous opinions to the comments posted on "Oregon Live" like all the other lonely Nazis living in the hills on the outskirts of the Willamette Valley.
"Is a contraceptor a dinosaur that provides you with birth control devices?"

No. It's another silly and utterly meaningless word, made up due to current issues.
JG - My sincere apologies for coming off to you as attention or pity seeking for my wife's illness. The point of the original article was that kids will destroy your love life and my point being that kids aren't so bad, there are bigger challenges that many couples face related to health problems. I'm guessing you would rather have to deal with a crying baby at 2am than some of the things you must deal with having CD, IBS, etc. And no, I do not stay married because of a 'contractual obligation' but because of a vow we made and will continue to uphold in an age when so many people bail on each other when things change or get difficult. Love, for us, is caring for one another through all the challenges life brings us.
How is countering one stereotype with another "winning"? In addition, I agree with DamosA: contraceptor is a stupid meaningless word.
Zorro, you must be a city, county or state employee then?
PERS, especially the Tier 1 level folks in it, is a blatant rip-off of the tax-paying public. And all these monetary 'concessions' you refer to that has allowed some of the best health care policies in the country, far far better than the average Portlander pays for - as well as better retirement benefits than 90% of the public - and the pay is pretty damn good too now.
Calling Big Al a 'Nazi' - uh, wow.
Your grammar is awesome! I will not even venture to guess what it is that you do “professionally”. What, I beg you, is wrong with having excellent health care, retirement benefits, and competitive wages? Is it just too Un-American in your opinion? Is it really a “blatant rip-off” to have well trained teachers and fire fighters at work in our state and communities? These union negotiated benefit packages only serve to encourage the private sector to offer competitive deals to improve their recruitment and ability to retain workers. Additionally, I did not “call Big Al a Nazi”. I called Big Al a lonely Nazi.
Good Luck,
Of course nothing is wrong with having great job benefits - though when the pay / bennies earned by the public workforce greatly outweighs those of the private sector whom supply most of the tax payers jobs, I question the fairness of having to pay for such great perks.
Also, in my experience, I have yet to see any private sector job trying to compete with the pay and benefits of the public sector workers.
Your tea party derived, intellectually famished insinuation that the wages and benefits earned by the public sector in this country are more than those earned by the private sector is a startling testament to your own ear-ringing ignorance. Please try, to the best of your abilities, to read the following information from the National Institute on Retirement based on information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“These findings are contained in a new report, "Out of Balance? Comparing Public and Private Sector Compensation Over 20 Years" commissioned by the Center for State and Local Government Excellence (Center) and the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS). The co-authors are Dr. Keith Bender, Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Dr. John Heywood, Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

The study provides an original analysis of data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and finds that:

-Jobs in the public sector typically require more education than private sector positions. Thus, state and local employees are twice as likely to hold a college degree or higher as compared to private sector employees. Only 23% of private sector employees have completed college as compared to about 48% in the public sector.
-Wages and salaries of state and local employees are lower than those for private sector employees with comparable earnings determinants such as education and work experience. State workers typically earn 11% less and local workers 12% less.
-During the last 15 years, the pay gap has grown - earnings for state and local workers have generally declined relative to comparable private sector employees.
The pattern of declining relative earnings remains true in most of the large states examined in the study, although there does exist some state level variation.
-Benefits make up a slightly larger share of compensation for the state and local sector. But even after accounting for the value of retirement, healthcare, and other benefits, state and local employees earn less than private sector counterparts. On average, total compensation is 6.8% lower for state employees and 7.4% lower for local employees than for comparable private sector employees.”

Did you manage to read all that, frankieb? If so, give yourself a pat on the back and take a moment to look lustfully at the wallet-sized photo of Sarah Palin you carry on your person at all times. Why you and “BigAl” have the need to gloss yourself with mobster names and spew this terrible garbage into the fine literary institution that is the Portland Mercury still escapes me. I also have a growing suspicion that you live in Vancouver, but that is beside the point. The notion that taxpayers are bailing out the private sector is not only false, but the opposite is true. The Wall Street bailouts alone dwarf any single taxpayer liability for retirement benefits. As far as the necessary and historic competition between union negotiated benefits and the private sector’s benefits, I would start my exceedingly long list of examples with the 40-hour workweek, 8-hour days, something called the “weekend”, and the reason EVERYONE who uses a time clock isn’t earning the minimum wage!
I understand the point you are trying to make, Peter, but I think you have missed mine.
You should apologize to your wife.
Well Zorro, I must defer to you, as I'm sure these two esteemed professors from Wisconsin have deeply studied our own system here and know PERS and all the other benefits provided to State, County and City workers here in Oregon.
I would have thought such a study looks over the entire countries public vs private sector workforce, but I guess they just focused on us.
Raises and bonus' for them all!!
Oh, which one do you work for again?
Shorter frankieb: "Mumble, mumble, (kicks can) mumble, ad hominem."

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