New Column! Oct 22, 2014 at 4:00 pm

It’s Not Like I Have Ebola! by KOIN 6 News’ Jeff Gianola


What happened to Ask A Hipster: Is It Cool? Oh Bam, Ask The Hulk: Is it Cool? "Yes. Records always hip."
Ebola is not a real threat. The real threat is the threat of the threat being used as veneer to round up political dissenters and worthless eaters to confine them in concentration camps, never to be seen from again, where they will be executed, probably by guillotine as it doesn't harm the perfectly healthy, vital organs which can be sold to wealthy patients for transplantation, but YOU will never report on this, because YOU are too much of a candy ass!
I welcome some cross promotion between the Merc and other local media. We have a local gem in Helen and Dave at AM Northwest that doesn't get the appreciation it deserves.

Where else would you find a morning show that has its guests hold puppies during the interview?…

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