Who's ready for a little EEEEVIL?
Well, you're in luck, because Mercury Geniuses of Comedy, Arlo Weierhauser and Kate Murphy, are your hosts for the most diabolical, hilarious, and EVIL live game show in town… TWO EVILS! (This Thursday, June 1!) Join Arlo and Kate as they ask a series of truly evil questions, and it’s up to the audience and our special guest contestant to VOTE ON THEIR PHONES and decide which is the lesser of TWO VERY EVIL ANSWERS. Are there prizes? You bet your butt! Is there comedy? Oh, absolutely!
Plus, we'll be welcoming a very SPECIAL COMEDIAN GUEST... the absolutely hilarious NARIKO OTT!
So don’t miss the most delightful and morally corrupt comedy game show of the century… TWO EVILS with Arlo & Kate! GET THOSE TICKETS NOW AND HERE!
Or if you're feeling lucky, ENTER TO WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to this Thursday's show! Simply email us here with your name, and put "Two Evils Contest!" in the subject line. If you win we'll alert you by Wednesday at 5 pm! WHOOP! WHOOP!
WHEN: Thursday, June 1, doors 7 PM / 7:30 pm show
WHERE: The Siren Theater, 3913 NE Mississippi
TICKETS: $15 advance, $20 door
Presented by your pals at the Portland Mercury!