- Pretty Deadly #1 by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Ríos
So here's a super conflict-of-interesty post: This Thursday, Alison and I are hosting the TENTH installment of our Comics Underground comic book performance series. The basics: We take over the Jack London Bar (529 SW 4th), provide a stage and a projection screen and some mics, and invite the best and most fun comics creators in Portland to perform their work. Sometimes whiskey bottles are broken to make sound effects, there's usually some shouting, occasionally there's music, every once in a while some people wear gorilla masks. We fill up the place, experience some excellent comic books, everybody has a good time, the end.
This time around, Comics Underground has a western theme and boasts three fantastic creators: writer Kelly Sue DeConnick will be showing some of her phenomenal new book Pretty Deadly (there might be some singing involved); writer Frank Beaton has recruited Trek in the Park's Atomic Arts crew to bring his great short story "Someplace Like Hell" to life; and Dark Horse Comics Editor-in-Chief Scott Allie will be reading a fantastic comic inspired by Serenity... AND giving people a first look at the brand new, eagerly anticipated Serenity series, Serenity: Leaves on the Wind.
Tickets are $3-5, but since Alison and I are revered and beloved for our generosity, we're giving away a pair on Blogtown. Entry details are below; you have until 4 pm today to enter, and I'll email the winner shortly thereafter. Everybody who doesn't win: Scrounge up a few bucks and we'll see you on Thursday. Doors open at 7:30, event starts at 8, and this one's going to be pretty great.