Northwest Portland's Bent Brick is offering us free stuff again (remember their growler party two weeks ago?) so we naturally decided to pass the benefits to our loyal fanbase. This Wednesday, September 11, the restaurant will open their kitchen to fermentation aficionados for a pickling class with chef Will Marquardt, at $35 a head and promising new know-how and a mason jar of vinegary delights to take home. E-mail your name to our editor here by noon Monday, September 9 with "PICKLE" in the subject line and we'll select a winner at random for two free passes to the class, so you can make the most of your garden goods/farmers market bounty. Tickets are otherwise available by calling the restaurant at 503-688-1655. The class will run from 6:30 to 8 pm, so stick around their bar afterwards and pour your own pickle-backs (the most delicious thing to drink with whiskey since a splash of water).

The Bent Brick is located at 1639 NW Marshall.