On Tuesday, April 14, Widmer is hosting a private welcome reception for conference participants, and it sounds like a straight-up good party, with beer, schmoozery, and live music from the Thermals. You can't buy a ticket to that, but we're giving away 10 pairs right here to Blogtown readers. You'll be able to put on your finest beer-tasting hat (here's what mine looks like, don't steal it), hobnob with the other craft brewers, and impress them with your superior beer-tasting abilities (some helpful conversational words: "piquant," "musk," "lingonberryesque"). Or you can simply guzzle down some free Widmer beer and rock out to the Thermals (some helpful conversational words: "yaaaaaah!!!" "woooooo!!!!!" "OMYGODILOVEYOUWESTIN!!!").
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