Did you know? Max Brumm is no longer the only Max running for mayor. Or the only community college student under 25 whose last name starts with the letter "B."

Meet 22-year-old Max Max Bauske!


While his slogan is a little snarky, it looks like Bauske is serious about his campaign. Here's his take on education:

As a graduate of Portland Public Schools and a student at Portland Community College, I know the value of a good, affordable public education. I’ll work to make Portland schools the best in the nation, and prevent efforts by for-profit entities and charter schools to steal public education dollars.

He also touches on TriMet ticket transfers, an issue that was recently spotlighted at the TriMet board meeting.

"A strong, affordable public transit system is key to livability and economic prosperity. I’ll work to make Tri-Met fares more affordable, and extend the length of transfers."

Looks like young Max Brumm is up for some interesting competition. May the best Max win. Or tie. Or cage fight. Or something equally adorable.