Fuck tomatoes they know they nasty as fuck but they make an excellent garnish on sandwiches, wraps, and other hand held food items as well as take part in the construction of salsa.
Totes, cynics are never the smartest, hippest folks at a party (or anywhere). They are just afraid of failing or looking stupid hence the preemptive strike of cynicism. Epic fails and looking stupid both get way more laughs at parties and require less self absorption and more funtastical adventuring.
Ian, I am not offering a fig leaf, and I know you could care less about my opinion, but nice column this week. I appreciate the subject matter and the logic and progression throughout was super cohesive and fun to read. I don't just hate to hate. Keep it up.
Fuck tomatoes they know they nasty as fuck but they make an excellent garnish on sandwiches, wraps, and other hand held food items as well as take part in the construction of salsa.
WTF is this paradox?!
Ian, I am not offering a fig leaf, and I know you could care less about my opinion, but nice column this week. I appreciate the subject matter and the logic and progression throughout was super cohesive and fun to read. I don't just hate to hate. Keep it up.