I will start this post off with the obvious: JNCO JEANS MAKE ME WANT TO STAB MY EYES OUT. They are an abomination of fashion, and are quite possibly the cause of all the evil that has been inflicted on this earth for the last 30 years.
That being said, I know some of you have a warm spot in your heart for these baggy-ass raver jeans from the '90s, so you might be interested to know that JNCO has announced they are going out of business, AND ARE SELLING THEIR ENTIRE INVENTORY. From the JNCO site:
Due to licensing issues, JNCO will be ending production and concluding all sales through our website.
“We were honored to serve our vast customer base and with harsh feelings will be winding down operations.”
While this is an end of an era for JNCO, what JNCO stands for will continue to live on in all of our customers and fans who will carry on the spirit of our brand and all it represents.
For our loyal base of fans looking to acquire a few more pieces of JNCO gear from their favorite shop, we still have limited supplies of apparel available on a first-come first-serve basis.
Well, regardless of any "harsh feelings" now is the time for some JNCO shopping! Here are just a few examples of pants you can purchase—though if I ever see you in them, I'll fucking blow up the earth (with you in it).