News May 31, 2012 at 4:00 am

Keeping Portland Out—to Let More Republicans In?

Illustration by Terrence Nowicki


I was all yay 100 comments and then saw it was just damosa wanking into infinity.

If you're disappointed, then you've got no one but yourself to blame.
The fact is that land, and land use is going to determined almost totally for our whole country within the next ten years. Folks that fight "density", and advanced planning tactics that keep people moving and living with fewer vehicles, shorter commutes to services, and mixed-zone usages are not understanding this. Clackamas (where I currently live), won't be the same 5 or ten years from now, almost no space in our country will. But, paying attention, and supporting rail, being intentional about siting and building will better shape what the community looks like. For the record to the "portland creep" folks, it's a lot more pleasant traversing Portland than it is Clackamas--and the horror of being a pedestrian on 82nd--even for 20 minutes--would aptly demonstrate that to anyone. Crime? Clackamasers, you wanna talk about crime sprawl? Gimme a break, like every other of the young men living here look like they just dropped off the meth truck, with their domestic violence badge in hand!
Geo- While a lot of us have traded barbs/insults with DamosA (myself very much included), you have taken it to a level where he could feasibly have you prosecuted for cyber-stalking/harassment. Luckily the impression I get from him is that he is no "snitch" but nobody knows for sure. So before you proceed with any more slanderous claims of pedophilia and whatnot, here is a little advice- Try to take it down a notch and limit your shit talk to things about him that can be proved in the archives of this paper.
You're right Iceprez - i'm NO snitch!!!

But hey, let him keep harping on that shit if he wants. He's the ONLY one here even talking about "kiddie porn" shit and everyone knows it.

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