Movies & TV Oct 1, 2009 at 4:00 am

Capitalism: A Love Story Is Anything But.


Uh, sarcasm ≠ irony. Sarcasm = sarcasm. Irony = unintended consequences. Like, attempting to escape your fate of killing your father and fucking your mother by running away, then discovering years later that you have, in fact, killed your father and boned mommy. For instance. There's plenty of irony in this movie (for example, the quite wealthy Michael Moore bemoaning capitalism, despite the fact that his film is only distributed to big, corporate theaters), but what you're talking about it most def. sarcasm.
Glad the big hypocrite is at least letting all the Workers of the World into his movie for free.
The big difference between the millions that Michael Moore has, and the big boys of crony capitalism have, is that Michael Moore didn't manipulate, and steal his millions from the commons. The big boys of crony capitalism did, and they did it, knowing full well, that they would never be punished for it. Try robbing your co-workers pension, and see how far you get.
We have a corporatacracy in the making, here in the USA people. Wake up!!
I really hate to say it, but I agree with D here. Maybe he'll give it away free on the internet or put it in the public domain (or a CC license) once the theater run is over, though. But I won't hold my breath for that.
Hypocrisy comes in all shapes and sizes, guys. Irony too. Like the victims of unfettered capitalism who are so jaded by their own un-implemented and theoretical idealism that they'd rather attack MM for EARNING MONEY (for shame!) by making infotaining films about criminal capitalism, than to even focus for a second on discussing the issue at hand, let alone DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Go make YOUR millions. I'll be here to share it with you.

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