Movies & TV Mar 19, 2014 at 4:00 am

Millennials, I Blame You for Divergent

DIVERGENT Jumping off the train and onto the Hunger Games bandwagon.


Thank you for this review. I was beginning to think I was the only person in the world who thought that book was terrible.
I almost yelled for my money back after that movie. Then I remembered I went to a preview event.
I still want that wasted time back.
Excellent review.

To quote the internet

"wow iā€™m a teenager trying to figure out this horrifying dystopian world with minimal resources and constant terror while frequently fighting just to stay alive
you know what i really have time for
a love triangle"

I just read every YA novel
As a Vietnam Vet who led bombings over Cambodia, I found myself agreeing with this reviewer and Andrew O'Hehir in Salon, who labelled this film as capitalist agitprop. As such, I was contented by not having to exist in a post-apocalyptic Chicago kibbutz-like walled community, but rather a pre-apocalyptic world of global warming, the end of oil, and endless wars, with the NSA breathing down my neck -- where seemingly my toughest choice is whether to Google Glass or Yahoo. One thing still puzzles me about the film: Who manufactured all the armaments, computer tech, and cosmetic makeup? Oh, right, it's a Hollywood film....

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