So I guess there's no point in keeping up the charade any longer. The only reason I took this Mercury gig was that I knew it would be a stepping stone to a technical-advisory job on some kind of pickle-based reality competition show. Cha-Ching! Since the networks should come courting tomorrow morning, Alison has agreed to start filling my Last Supper column inches with photo collages of her cat and old Sleater Kinney album covers (I think you’ll really love her work).
If I sound full of myself, that’s because tonight, at the Ace Hotel Cleaners, I’ll be judging—along with Dave “Killer Bread” Dahl and Courtney Sproule of the Din Din Supper Club—some of the finest pickling our fair city has to offer. Competitors include folks from Beast, Chop, DOC, Le Happy, Navarre, Olympic Provisions, Salt, Fire, & Time, and Unbound Pickling. It’s all part of a fundraiser and membership drive for The Dill Pickle Club. There will be music from Marissa Anderson, Orca Team, and DJ Cuica, plus a screening of a short film from Mikey Kampmann and our own Sarah Mirk. It’s $5 to get in (free for members) but bring some extra cash for A.C. Dickson’s pickle auction.
These guys do great work, and I think it’s going to be a good time. Full schedule after the jump, plus a video of a dog and a puppet listening to Sade (it’s cute).

7PM Marisa Anderson plays music
7:45 Welcome, Pickle Judges talking about pickles with first 4 chefs
8PM Orca Team plays — set 1
8:20PM Pickle Judges talking about pickles with last 4 chefs
8:40PM Orca Team plays — set 2
9:00PM Mikey Kampmann, Sarah Mirk, How Does City Work? video
9:20PM DJ Cuica — set 1, a “pickle dance off”
9:45PM Cary Clarke, Walt Curtis
10:00PM AC Dickson does the great Pickle Auction
10:15PM Award Ceremony
10:20PM DJ Cuica — set 2
10:40PM Last Call