
If the Cacophony Society is reading this: Crash the opening of Trader Vics dressed as British Werewolves w/ Impeccable Hair.

Bring Pina Coladas.
Can a Playboy Club be far behind?
Don the Beachcomber may or may not have invented the Mai Tai, but it IS the best place to watch a sunset in Hawaii.
"In the tacky tacky tacky tacky tiki room..."
meh.... this'll bro-tastic.
Check their website. There is a Trader Vic's in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. THEY CANNOT SELL ALCOHOL THERE. Trader Vic's without alcohol. Think strip clubs without bare breasts. Or thighs. Or any bare skin at all. You're shuddering, I see.

I'm pretty sure the one that recently opened in Almaty, Kazakhstan sells booze, though. If anyone stops by there, please let me know.…
I saw a werewolf there once.
Huh ?
COURTNEY have you been living in a compound in Pakistan the last 5 years?
All that crap was moved to Thatch Tiki Bar 2733 NE Broadway Portland including the Cacophony.

You folks are so out of touch.

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