
The Zipper is a terrible location for Finger Bang.
There's a lot of nice stuff already open there. Great addition to the neighborhood.
Yes, "terrible location" for Finger Bang. Right on a bus line, nicely in the middle of the East side. Their terrible location also is driving the fact that they are booked out for weeks.
Finger bang is a euphemism for putting one's fingers into another's vagina for sexual pleasure. A zipper is a set of interlocking metal teeth sealing an opening on one's pants which may be abrasive to exposed human skin.

God damnit.
God that building is a hideous eye-sore. Something about all those vertical slats makes my eyes feel like they are being dragged across a cheese grater. I'm sure the inside is quite different but the outside is an assault on the senses.
This might be the first time I've ever agreed with Garfield Tits. I need a shower.
Aestro, JTR is a moron and takes everything literally. Pay him no attention.

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