May 21, 2009 at 4:00 am

Of Insects and Potential at Sushi Mazi

Photo by David Reamer


Good grief. Not food. Lawn clippings and rice with bugs. Great. We get things like this living under the stoves in appartments I own / rent. We call an exterminator.
Kip, An exterminator? Oh PLEASE, We all know you would not even shell out three bucks for a can of raid. You need all your income for your "personal needs". "Apartments"? I have seen the places you rent, the correct word is shack or maybe shanty. In the UK that are called squats.
I almost fell over when I read what you said, Kip! I have worked for you, and know for a fact that you are too damn cheap to call an exterminator! You are indeed too damn cheap to buy a can of the cheapest bug spray on the market. Instead, you tell your tenants that there is no bug problem and if there is, it is their fault and they need to take care of it. It is my hope that one day you, your wife, and kids must live in one of the "apartments" you own / rent so you can see for yourself just how much you don't care about your fellow human beings!
An exterminator, Kip can't even call a plumber:…

We really need a Kipinator to run him out of the rental business.

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