There are just three countries with no paid maternity leave law. The US is one of them.
There are just three countries with no paid maternity leave law. The US is one of them. Thinkstock

Here are just a few things to remember as you celebrate International Women's Day:

• There are just three countries no paid maternity leave law. The US is one of them.

• The World Economic Forum studied 142 countries in the world and found that 63 of them had had a female head of state at some time during the 50 years prior to 2014. The US wasn't one of them.

An alleged rapist is the Republican frontrunner for the presidential nomination.

Publishing has a woman problem.

Comedy has a woman problem.

• The United National categorizes the United States' awful record on access to reproductive health care as a human rights violation.

• On Sunday night, a Planned Parenthood clinic in Ohio was vandalized, with the words "Satan den of babykillers."

I'm not saying we shouldn't celebrate the gains towards gender equality that have been made in recent years. I'm just saying that if you're only following today's rah-rah Twitter hashtag, you're missing something.