re mandates: dang -- Smokin' Joe shouldda been All Over that Un-qualfied (by her Bar Ass'n) 'Judge' - now it's gonna look like he's -- once again -- taking Back 'freedom' [to Inflict!] from the Good Guys who only wanna not GAF re the Citizenry.
Confidence I am not Having.
"[he's] 'the only barrier keeping suburban Washington County from descending into Portland-level lawlessness.'
Get a grip, Kevin."
well he's Got a Grip a Deathgrip on Fear & Loathing* and on his dick cuz there's NO ONE ELSE who could Do it like HE will.
money back Guaranteed
*and that shite sells like Hotcakes
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re mandates:
dang -- Smokin' Joe
shouldda been All Over
that Un-qualfied (by her Bar
Ass'n) 'Judge' - now it's gonna
look like he's -- once again -- taking
Back 'freedom' [to Inflict!] from the Good
Guys who only wanna not GAF re the Citizenry.
Confidence I
am not Having.
"[he's] 'the only barrier keeping suburban
Washington County from descending
into Portland-level lawlessness.'
Get a grip, Kevin."
well he's Got a Grip
a Deathgrip on Fear
& Loathing* and on his
dick cuz there's NO ONE
ELSE who could Do it like HE will.
money back
*and that shite
sells like Hotcakes