
The phrase "designed by volunteer engineers" does not inspire confidence.
Will it contain a corporate coffee shop that uses disposable cups?
It's amazing what an incredible web of funding sources, real and imaginary, they can cobble together when they really WANT to build something. When they need to actually fund something that exists, or fund a vital service, like roads and cops? Eh...that money just doesn't exist, kthxbye.
Very well put, Dave J.

The university system is going to pay back $45 million in bonds with rent from some ground floor retail? I hope those are 200 year bonds.

And then of course the usual hodge-podge of taking on more city debt and treating Urban Renewal like its some endless pot of money and not just another form of debt.
Before we dismiss this as a crazy idea, shouldn't be stop and ask whether it's got other benefits? Presumably the theory is that it will attract (in the medium and long term) more eco-jobs to Portland. In which case, the city's money will certainly have been well spent. If that doesn't happen (as with the biotechnology cluster that was supposed to inhabit SoWat), it's not well spent. Have they had an independent analysis done on the likelihood of that happening?

Yes, I realize I'm asking for the dreaded Fritzian "more process", but in this case it seems worthwhile to get that study done first before the final decision is made.
Also, who exactly would own this thing? The city's providing 20-25% of the funding so we should get an ownership stake. You would think that we could get some sort of break on the rent!
This would be an ideal time for the city's Planning and Sustainability Policy Advisor to chime in.
@Stu - Good question. I've got my own opinion on what answer that kind of study would give, but OSU says in the article that they are doing their 'due diligence' study right now. That hopefully addresses some of the questions you're asking...?
$7 million for this vs $2.7 million for affordable housing from urban renewal funds? So sad to see they're prioritizing *anything* over affordable housing when there is such a dearth of it and thousands or Portlanders sleeping on the streets every night.
"This would be an ideal time for the city's Planning and Sustainability Policy Advisor to chime in."

You mean sustainable Susan? Yeah I am sure she has her mind made up

Go by streetcar! To chapter 9!
PDC is required to devote 30% of funds to affordable housing, up from 0. They are not required to devote 100%.
Sooooo close Mike H.,

Here is a Hint:

On a side note, I remember a funny story from a former Merc Reporter how a former Merc Reporter used to baby sit a current Merc Editor's kids... 2012 is gonna rule with Adams already running re-election!

BTW: Just watched A Single Man and it is a must see. Not only for an uncredited John Hamm's vocal performance.
@Jason Worster: Didn't your girlfriend run for city council on the "I hate Sam" platform. How much did she get, 10%? And against Saltzman of all people, nobody likes Saltzman in the first place, and yet she still lost in a landslide!

So keep pedaling your stories about how "Gay men are ruining the lives of other gay men," and go have some more teabags, okay?

It is almost 2am in the morning and Matthew D wants some attention.

Don't worry buddy, when your in person friends abandon you... their is still the cold glow of the Blogtown street lights.
"I criticized the plans for the building on Wednesday, writing that it will be crass to build an expensive new symbol of Portland's green values at the same time we can't find money to keep our parts of our current sustainable infrastructure, TriMet, running."

You do know that Trimet is it's own government agency that collects taxes for itself, don't you? The city of Portland doesn't fund Trimet, so your comment makes absolutely no sense at all. If Trimet were providing funding this project and also cutting service then you'd have a point, but you didn't list Trimet as a major contributor to this project so I'm not sure how they're to blame.
@Jason Worster: Yay, some attention!

Of course, it is from the guy that got up at 7am on a Saturday to troll Blogtown, so I think it is about a interesting as sticking my head in a bucket of water. (Please tell me I'm wrong and that Candy just kicked you out. That would be slightly less lame.)

Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go hoddie shopping, I need to testify at city council.
Dearest Insane Matthew D,

It is called Google Alerts. Granted, you choose to hide... I am still out in the open dodging the little shit pellets you sling.

Let's see if you have the balls to testify in front of City Council and give your real name... till then I am turning blue (holding my breath) with anticipation.

Maybe when you sober up and can read numbers correctly "Posted by Jasun Wurster on August 6, 2010 at 9:59 PM" -- 503-799-7919...


Ahhh, when the time comes down to picking the more or less lame explanation, we can always count on Jason to pick the worst. After all, he is Mr Worster.

Seriously, with history you have around here, you might as well give up now, the jokes write themselves. But if you do your homework and read my comment history you might at least get something good. In the last week I've acknowledged that I like The Spice Girls, The Saturdays, and The Sugarbabes. In other words, I'm into bad British pop music. Go!
If we're going to power our way out of this recession, we have to invest in what Oregon is known for, actually better know outside of OR than in: the Green State, green energy, sustainability, etc. That's our leg up as we move forward as a successful state. There will be no rebound without investment. And 50% of our carbon emissions come from our buildings. Imagine Portland with 50% cleaner air and environment if this model of sustainability can be replicated. Join the 21st century, folks!

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