
Yes, but who'll get stuck with the bill?

Goose...bill...ah...OK, you got it.
Over sized Pigeons.
Think of how many goose dinners this could provide over the holidays.
Hahahah! Nice one, Todd.
Finally, common sense wins out! I'd love to have a pair of geese for my large yard (1/3 Acre) so that they could eat bugs, grass and be my outdoor alarm system! They are very territorial, mate for life and keep prowlers away. My many nieghbors have yappy little dogs that make a deafening noise once the whole block gets going. Geese are so much better than dogs. At least if the geese don't work out well, they could become guests at Thanksgiving or X-mass dinner! Geese beats having a poodle, don't you think?
You US americans leave our Air Force alone!
Americas Hat (Canada)

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