The snap closure on the lid seemed to not work at first, but we're getting along fine now. Still wondering how this one's gonna go come fruit fly season.
I live in a fourplex and they gave us four of 'em-- well, five actually, they left an extra one on our deck-- so I guess it's not just for houses. Although neither of them had particularly great snaps on 'em.
@WSH: You didn't expect the city-provided bucket to actually function, did you? Buy a 5-gallon bucket with an airtight lid. And check your cynicism fuse, I think it may have burnt out.
As a longtime kitchen composter, I suggest you guy a bucket with a carbon filter and use the bucket the city gave you for something else. Your olfactory system will thank you for it come July.
There's a Portlandia sketch right there....The Anal-Retentive Garbageman.
We compost our veggie scraps, so there's going to be five garbage sorts for us - trash, glass and deposit bottles/cans (put them out so the bums can pick them out of the yellow bin), recyclables, yard debris, and the beige bucket for eggshells, coffee filters, tea bags (compostable, but those three don't break down well), meat, fat, and bone scraps, and presents the cats leave us (anything animal-based goes into the freezer in a bag, then dumped into the beige bin, then into the green bin.
@Rosy - shit and human leavings go in a public trashcan; cat presents go in the freezer, then into the green compost bin on trash day (dead birds, mice, and rats are meat scraps, right?0
I am pretty excited about it----but don't know if I will use my brown bucket from the city. I have an old laundry detergent 3 gallon bucket (with a lid) that has worked great for our compost for 6 years.
Can't wait for garbage to go to every other week! If our family of five can do it, surely you wusses can figure it out.
Haven't received one and won't use it if I do. Composting is disgusting!
What were these PLASTIC buckets made from? Recyclable plastic bags that are now banned?
I don't and will not separate anything anymore. All goes into a paper bag mixed together and into the recycling containers.
Mirk: your thumbs-up, thumbs down website is wrong. You can throw non-food things like paper towels, napkins, tea bags, coffee filters in there, too.
Thank you for the website now I know that rats, cats, and dead bodies go into the green compost can.
Where do I put the street trash and homeless stuff left when the cops drag them off ?
Where do I put the dog and people shit I find on my front yard ?
We compost our veggie scraps, so there's going to be five garbage sorts for us - trash, glass and deposit bottles/cans (put them out so the bums can pick them out of the yellow bin), recyclables, yard debris, and the beige bucket for eggshells, coffee filters, tea bags (compostable, but those three don't break down well), meat, fat, and bone scraps, and presents the cats leave us (anything animal-based goes into the freezer in a bag, then dumped into the beige bin, then into the green bin.
Can't wait for garbage to go to every other week! If our family of five can do it, surely you wusses can figure it out.
What were these PLASTIC buckets made from? Recyclable plastic bags that are now banned?
I don't and will not separate anything anymore. All goes into a paper bag mixed together and into the recycling containers.