I understand guns are fun to some people, but if my XBox was routinely used to kill children, I'd be okay without my XBox.
— Ian Karmel (@IanKarmel) June 10, 2014
Have other countries started calling us the "School Shooting States of America" yet?!
— Baron Vaughn (@barvonblaq) June 10, 2014
But if there were no guns, then how would men feel strong when they don't feel strong?
— Hank Thompson (@Hank_Thompson) June 10, 2014
Guns don't reduce crime, cameras reduce crime. You aren't not stealing an ATM because it has a gun in it. #guns #lies #videotape
— nate craig (@Natecraig1) June 10, 2014
What period is lockdown today?
— Matthew O'Brien (@MattOB34) June 10, 2014