Here's an unfortunate Christmas card that was sent out one day before the brutal San Bernardino shootings...

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the card comes courtesy of Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who posted the card on her Facebook page. Unshockingly, Fiore is a card-carrying member of pro-gun groups including the NRA, the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, and Second Amendment Sisters. When asked by CNN if she regretted sending out the card a day before the San Bernardino shootings, here's what she said:
"What's regrettable is governing and forcing innocent people to be defenseless while allowing and inviting terrorists into our country knowing the murderous outcome," she said in an email to CNN. "My strong message to you is its time Americans begin protecting America. Get armed, get trained get your head out if the sand and be prepared."
In other words, "Be a coward like me and my family. Buy a gun and make the problem exponentially worse."