Homo Jun 2, 2011 at 9:47 am


Okay then...
It may also be the case that this woman may still be straight but denies it because of her ideology. She may be one of the few lesbians that "hasn't found the right guy yet." She didn't specify her age- if she's younger than 30, there's a good chance that this is the case. College lesbians are a dime a dozen. That's not to say, she may genuinely be a lesbian, maybe it took a long hard look into the hetero-sexual world to realize she digs the fairer sex. One can only speculate.

The point is, I don't buy the 'nurture' side of the argument, and it's usually feminist ideologues that make the case for it- with only their own speculation and their own experience to go on. This woman has never been a male, let alone a gay male, so she can't really theorize about someone else's sexuality- and I can't hers- like I said I can only speculate. I can say from my own experience that I knew from an early age that I was male, and I liked girls. I used to watch "Splash" and rewind the part with Darryl Hanna's butt over and over again. I did like Barbies- only because I liked them naked. I had a short "my little pony" phase, but once I discovered toy guns and Star Wars action figures, there's was no going back.

I recommend that all "Women's studies" types raise a male child. Or try an F to M sex change, or just experiment a bit with Testosterone, you'll learn a lot.
So she's bi? The logic is so circular here it's dizzying.

Maybe it is different for women, but sexual arousal is a bit more necessary to a man than a woman, and believe you me, that's no choice.
Actually, I take that back, feminism isn't the only ideology that fails to make the case for the "nurture" argument- fundies are guilty of it too.
For me it was a choice between being a lesbian or dating boys that look like Justin Bieber, I went with the less-illegal option.
I suggest the writer tries being an adolescent male in math or gym class. That will sort her out pretty quick.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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