Anonymous Feb 26, 2016 at 8:14 am


Speaking of disappointed, how about this new blog comment format?
Grandma raised you better than that Timmy Two-Timer.

BTW Todd, I would've clicked "Like" on your comment.
Nicely played by the betrayed girlfriend or one of her pals, who appear to portray herself as subject's Granny. However diabolically creative, I call BS.
No like votes mean no commentator ratings list, but what's most annoying, is that I can't read the thread and post a comment on the same page. How in the Hell am I supposed to remember what the thread even said?
None of my old comments show up in my profile either.

What's the point of even commenting if I can't bring up my award-winning Neko Atsume commentary in the middle of job interviews?
Way to go gram-gram, that'll show him.
Oh yeah, that sounds like Kallio - he sure loved his granny

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