Anonymous Mar 5, 2016 at 10:00 am


One piece of advice for you...

Be prepared to die alone.
#10 If you tip well I'll give you more attention.
There are so many nice bridges in Portland. Please go jump off one as soon as possible.
I suspect the author of this gem might be in the throws of a manic episode and may benefit from a mood stabilizer. That or just super self important cray cray.
My list for all women in Portland:

Just kidding, I don't have one! That would be pretentious and self-defeating to treat people you date this way. Be curious, be respectful, have fun, that's it.

Upvote to TrayvonNorris.
Sounds like you need to call Hart Noecker. He is a male feminist that will treat you right!
Hey, baby. - Beavis
They can't ask you to change, but you demand they stop eating meat. Hypocrite any one.
Reading this made me glad to be gay. Hypocrisy. Games. The fact that he's interested should be enough.
They can't ask you to change, but you demand they stop eating meat. SO MUCH THIS! ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME? Then, buy me drinks and pay for me, but don't you dare try to stifle my feminist sensibility, priviliged MAN! You're a real peach.

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