
I would have guessed a Trayvon, but nice work.
^ You know what I smell? Desperation.

It must be tough not having any friends or people that care about you, but this type of behavior will not cure what ails you ODD.
Haha, this what I do after I help the needy and helpless! It somehow keeps me right. You, fuck. Really, you're so linear.
Poop. That smell is poop. Now clean it up!
"Haha, this what I do after I help the needy and helpless! It somehow keeps me right. You, fuck. Really, you're so linear."

Since you obviously didn't read what you wrote before submitting your comment ODD, take a moment to read it now. I'm not linear. I'm literate. Go back for your GED, it'll do wonders for your writing and self-esteem.
No, it's linear.
"lin-ee-ear" I hope that works. Call the 1-800 number if you need help.
So... If I use idiotic non-sequiturs like yourself, I'll make more sense? Ok, let me dial my previous statement back a bit. Before attempting to attain your GED, you might wanna start with some finger-painting classes and few pop-up books. Baby steps dude. Baby steps.

In the meantime, I'll be on the lookout for your next mom joke or whatever you think passes for an insult.
So you don't think being called linear is an insult to your intellect? WTF? JAJAJAJAJA! It's like, the 90's, man. Get with the thing!
Define nonsequitur, now, without googling, pissy pants. Then, define nuance, without the book, pansy.
Attain.. It's the meth.
How about you just look up the definitions of hopeless and pathetic? They will confirm the subconscious need you feel to bicker with superiors in the hope that your existence amounts to anything worthwhile. Catch you on the next thread little fella.
Ahhh.... A superiority complex. Yummy.
I wouldn't if I were you. Jus sayin' smiley face!
Good call. I had something horrible to say but I forgot what I was going to say! But the 10 min limit is up so you lucked out, you syphyllis infected cum-bubble.
ODD, The 2 keys to a battle of wits are...

1. Be witty
2. Never let your opponent know that they've gotten under your skin.

You're currently 0 for 2. At least try to make contact for the foul tip on your next swing. Somehow I suspect you'll strike out drooling though.

Take as much time as you need, and however many comments you deem necessary, before responding. Sweet dreams little guy.
I was just waiting till your step mom put you to bed so I won't give you bad dreams. You still can't understand the "linear" insult , can you? WSH's not linear.
^ A step-mom joke is still a mom joke. Or is that your idea of nuance?
My understanding of nuance would be something like, "I would too. She's fine!"

Trayvon, I am a decent man. If you really had sex with your step-mom I will stop right now.
Trust me dude, the extra 15 minutes it took you to come up with that follow-up comment wasn't worth it. I really hope you're actually 15 or 16 yrs old. That's the only way one could excuse your incredibly childish and non-existent sense of humor.
I like to make them in batches of threes, costs less.
I always knew you couldn't write as well as 5th grader ODD. Now I know you can't add like one either. Here's what you should be doing in batches... taking classes and reading books.
You need to show your work or I can't tell where you went wrong. Re-do.

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